During this season in Alaska, the Northern Lights blaze green over the white horizon. And instead of Orion, the 7 bright stars of the Big Dipper shine in plain sight in the middle of the night sky. It's dog-mushing time there. One's breath crystallizes in the air, and the winter moon reflects the sun's bedtime light upon snowy land.
Down here, I have to scan the edge of the northern sky to find the faintly lit Big Dipper on the horizon.It's just a little change in perspective...
Not enough though, to change the way the water swirls down the toilet. Speaking (or writing) of which, someday I hope to make it to the Southern Hemisphere so I can experience the magnetic pull of the south pole first hand. I'm wondering if, like swirling toilet water, it would change my dreams at night--maybe they would go backwards, like a video rewinding in my head.
On that tangent, I got a new video camera for Christmas (thanks, Mom & Dad!!). When I make it South, I'll bring it with me, and video the toilet water swirling down the drain the opposite direction that it does on my hemisphere. And then, of course, post it on YouTube.
We're almost like 'light' these days, quickly losing (transcending?) boundaries amidst the surging waves of technology. Definitely, our cyber-travels, satellites and cell phone towers are weaving us together beyond what once were geographical boundaries.
Another change in perspective...
Either way, it's nice to be in the 21st Century where knowledge is power...
At least, for people like me who have access to it and live in a society that values freedom and diversity.
One day, maybe that perspective will change too.
On this beautiful Winter's Eve, with the light from the Southern Hemisphere reflected on the other side of the crescent moon that I see lingering above the southwestern horizon (from my perspective, of course :-)...I wish you peace and light.
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